Used and Remanufactured Volkswagen Transmissions For Sale

View Replacement Volkswagen Transmission prices for these vehicles:

Volkswagen Jetta
Volkswagen Routan

The Gamble of used transmissions vs. remanufactured transmissions

You have roughly an 80% chance of success when going with a used transmission — However, used transmissions have roughly a 20% chance of failure or problem in the first 90 days, so it is important to have a warranty plan.

Need a replacement transmission? Get an estimate for replacement transmissions and local installation. Look up your transmission model by vehicle make and model.

What Transmission Do I Have?

How do I know whether a used transmission seller is legit?

It is highly recommended to check the online reviews of any company prior to purchasing through an Internet website or broker, especially reviews on how they handled warranty situations.

Pro Tip: Many listings who have fancy websites selling used transmissions on the Internet are running the company out of their house and brokering units from salvage yards. Buy a used transmission through your local repair shop or actual salvage yard and save yourself headaches later.

Legitimate used transmission suppliers:

-Have a street address listed on their website, and that address is not a residence. Google the full street address to know for sure. If there is no full street address listed on the website, or or if the address appears to be a mail forwarding address, or an address with no automotive company on premises, this is a red flag.
-Have a local telephone number and not just a toll-free 800 number. Legitimate companies have both toll-free and local numbers.
-Have no pattern of 1 star reviews on their Google Business listing, Yelp, Better Business Bureau profile. Google the name of the company.
-Handle warranty claims promptly and have a straightforward warranty policy.

Need a replacement transmission? Get an estimate for replacement transmissions and local installation. Look up your transmission model by vehicle make and model.

What Transmission Do I Have?

Used transmission warranty – What is covered?

700r4_transmissionOne of the biggest disadvantages to buying a used transmission is the short warranty. Most used transmissions have a 30, 60, 90 day warranty, with some going 6 months to a year. Now this may sound good on the surface, but most of these used transmission warrantees don’t offer the kind of protection that you would expect since a used transmission is not typically a long-term solution. If there an issue, most used transmission suppliers rarely pay additional labor charges for the unit to be re-installed if it fails.

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Gordy Ingram
1 year ago

I’m just bought the car and I’m driving down the street and it just lost drive it won’t go forward backward nothing then it throws out this cold po781 and I’m trying to figure out what that mean is the transmission not repairable or or what is it gone is it done or going to buy a new one what’s the deal

2 years ago

Driving along and will stall like in neutral let up on gas then proceed. Doesn’t happen very often 2005 turbo convertible beetle.

2 years ago

O9 VW beetle how do I adjust the transmission bands.
Does it have an adjustment

Jeff Billups
3 years ago

It only shifts with tectonic manual shifting. It won’t run up the gears in full sutomatic

Ryan M Hagen
3 years ago

D mount horse that the transmission mount screws into and then goes up into the mount on the NPR on the car itself have completely broken what do I do

Barb Burgett
3 years ago

You can drive down the road and it will jump out of drive to second and stick

John jones
4 years ago

My light came on showing charging system and I was trying to get home in doing so all the sudden the transmission started lacking power. To where I had no drive and then engine engine died. Could the loss of power cause the transmission to act that way does replacing alternator and transmissions working again or do I Have two problems

Rebecca Herrera
4 years ago

My 2007 volkswagen rabbit transmission slips in 2nd and 3rd gear. It only has 110,000 miles

Rebecca Herrera
4 years ago

It’s a 2007 volkswagen rabbit and the transmission slips in 2nd and 3rd gear

4 years ago

2008 VW NEW BEETLE – Harsh Downshifting when coming to stop or slowing to near stop.

Towanda Williams
5 years ago

Need reverse car drives but want go into reverse is it expensive to just installed reverse

Kimber L Murphy
5 years ago

Need a tranny for 2007 rabbit

5 years ago

Do you have a tranny for a 2009 VW Rabbit?

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