Won't stay in gear

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    I have a 2000 Ford mustang 5speed with a 3.8 in it. I was driving the other day and when I went to downshift into second gear there was a strange popping noise and everything locked up the gearshift and the clutch.after working on it for a while I fixed them but now when I try to put my car in gear it pops into gear but all it does is give a grinding noise what else did I break

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    Believe it or not, your Mustang five-speed uses synchros, though the action of the gearshift is still somewhat heavy — I guess it’s to remind you of the days of the old Hurst shifters with their long throws, double-clutching and heavy action — there are still synchronizers on every gear (synchros are spinning sleeves that ensure that when you shift, everything lines up correctly when you shift and everything slides home smoothly). When you worked on the gearshift, even though you fixed the problem with the lockup and clutch, I suspect that the synchronizers were thrown out of synch so that now when you shift they are clashing with the gearing, causing the shift to pop out, losing the gears.

    I would look closely at the synchronizer assembly chain — you can find the chain in a service manual — checking the synchro for each gear and its related mechanical pieces so that you can make sure that they are all in alignment before you button things up.

    Once you have checked them, take it out for a drive and run it through the gears and I suspect you will find you have solved the problem. Let me know what happens.

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