Honda Accord Surging Problems

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    Hi marc I have a 1994 honda accord lx and just recently i put my car in reverse and went to back up without hitting the accelerator and my car just accelerated itself backwards in a kinda surge jerk also right after this i noticed inconsistency in the revs high revs at low speeds and low revs at high speeds and now on top of that my car picks and chooses when it wants to register my speeds below 5mph it will stay at 0mph until i hit about 5-8 mph so if im going slow in a parking lot my car says its going 0mph but once a hot a certain speed it goes back to normal mph. Sorry about all the info really need help ive replaces head gaskets and plug covers which were bad and had oil in them and have cleaned the the air intake. Thanks thomas

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    It’s quite possible that your Honda’s surging is related to the transmission, however, I think there are other parts to check out first.

    For example, if he engine control module is sending faulting information to the powertrain and its sensors, then, it is very possible that your Accord will surge. And, honestly, I think you or your technician should be running down each electronic element in the ignition system.

    For instance, if the BARO (barometric sensor) is receiving faulting information from the MAP (manifold air pressure) or from the throttle positioning sensor (TPS) or a combination of these sensors, then your Accord will very certainly act as you describe it.

    Though the 94 Accord was highly electronic, it is nowhere near as electronic as Accords are today. Still, even the more rudimentary electronic devices on your drivetrain, wheels and transmission, if they have failed or are failing, will guarantee that your engine surges and hesitates.

    Here’s my thinking on what your next steps should be:

    1. If you are doing the work yourself, then, find a OBD-II scanner with the proper software and check to see what it finds for error codes.
    2. Take the error code readout and find the areas it is pointing to. Remember that today’s cars, as I noted, are far electronic than cars were 23 years ago, and the error codes will pinpoint a problem pretty precisely. However, you should still get the general area where the problem is occurring.
    3. Find the service manual for your car and then look at the problem areas that are shown so that you can find the parts you need.
    4. Swap out and replace the parts, if you feel you are qualified.
    5. If you don’t feel qualified, take your Accord to a service area that handles them and have it repaired.
    6. Normally, I am happy to price out and estimate what a transmission repair will cost you, however, since I think the problem is more mechanical than transmission, I will step back and let your technician answer that question.

      One though before I close and that is don’t forget your electronic check should include the transmission control module (TCM) and the sensors that are related to it. It is possible that the TCM has gone intermittent (it fails and then works correctly and then fails again, but there’s no rhythm to it) or that one or two of the sensors that show up on the ECM report, while they also report their codes to the TCM may also have gone intermittent or have failed. Let me know what happens. I honestly do want to find out.


    didnt read completely but honda do have a orfice type plate under the throttle body part between the intake manifold… it does and will cause idle up and down , up and down and up ….. in park

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