2003 Maxima Qx Would Not Move In Any Gear

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    I have a Nissan Maxima QX V6 3 litre that has not been driven for 2 years due to Trans problem. It took this long because i didn’t want to make mistakes fixing it. I’ve been told all sorts of things that could be wrong with it but i wasn’t convinced and i kept searching for an answer, i even went to Nissan and they couldn’t help either.
    It all started one day i was on way to work, i stopped at a stop sign and when the light turned green and me about to move the gear just failed, felt like a heavy snap (like a rope snap in a tug o war) from the gear. I stopped right away and tried to put it back in gear but nothing happened, the car just wouldn’t move but the gear selects well, all of them but no movement, i then had to call a tow truck and it was towed to a garage where it was checked and all, the mechanic even added some trans fluid but nothing happened, still the same but i noticed one thing though, when the gear is engaged you’d feel the push as if it wants to move but it won’t and then there’s this whirring sound that comes after the gear is engaged. Also I remember a few days back prior to this problem i had the radiator changed due to overheating and while this was going on i noticed there was a lot of fluid trans fluid that came out when the old radiator was taken out, I’m a novice here so i really don’t know what happened later because i left and came back later to pick the car. Could this be the problem, as in all that fluid that came out, or something else. I’m not sure if the amount of Trans fluid that came out was replaced. PLEASE HELP, YOU GUYS ARE MY LAST HOPE.

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    Thanks for your confidence, I hope you still think it’s justified when I tell you that for all the time you have waited, you could have installed the rebuilt transmission your Nissan needed and you could have had the use of your car.

    There are several scenarios that could have produced the various sounds you heard when your Nissan stopped moving. I suspect that what happened was quite simple: there was a problem on the input shaft that translated over to the torque converter and initial gearing. Then, as the torque converter started to spin up, something bound — possible a gear — and that accounted for the loud snapping sound you heard.

    It is possible, of course, that everything worked as it was supposed to until it hit the planetary gearing where the ultimate gearing choices are made, depending on the action of the valve body and/or the solenoids.

    With all of that said, though, the bottom line is that it is quite likely that one or more of your tranny’s major systems are shot and the result is that you need a rebuilt installed (when I talk about a rebuilt, I am also saying “new” or “replacement.” Because of the size and complexity of transmissions, it makes little sense to try to replace each transmission subsystem, unless it is one of the solenoid packs or, perhaps, a valve body problem. In those case, the cost of repair parts and labor is low enough — $150 to $500 — so that it makes sense to repair the individual systems. Going beyond into the multithreaded systems the interact and need subsystems, each subsystem can caost upwards of $1,520 to replace and so when you finish replacing one and then, possibly, another, you will find the cost skyrocketing.) To keep costs as reasonable as possible, install the rebuilt transmission for $3,200 and you will be better off. Let me know what you decide and what happens next.

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