Lucas Transmission Fix Review

An automatic transmission can be quite costly to repair, which is why there are so many transmission additives on the market today. One of the most popular brands is Lucas Transmission Fix, and if you’ve ever had transmission problems, you’ve probably heard of it. It claims to fix transmission slipping, hard shifting, transmission leaks, and stalling. But does it work? Let’s find out…

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What is Lucas Transmission Fix?

LucasLucas Transmission Fix Transmission Fix is a non-solvent transmission additive that contains a blend of friction modifiers and other petroleum-extracted additives. What this means is, the non-solvent formula will not harm any of the seals or internal components inside your transmission over time. The additives are specially designed to help reduce the effects of worn transmission components. This product won’t completely fix a broken transmission, but it will help the transmission operate properly – and for under $10.

What does it do?

Reduces slipping, rough shifting, and hesitation
Lucas Transmission Fix is designed for automatic transmissions that slip out of gear, experience hard shifts (they sort of “bang” into gear), or transmissions that seem to hesitate to engage (go into) gears. These problems often develop over time, and can be attributed to worn transmission bands, worn clutches, and clogged valve bodies.

To smooth out gear engagement/shifting, this additive contains friction modifiers that can improve the grip between the clutch plates inside the transmission, and the lockup clutch inside the torque converter. The proprietary formula also creates a polymeric film on the transmission bands to reduce slipping. And, special additives also help to remove sludge and varnish from inside the transmission valve body, which can significantly help up-shift/down-shift operation.

Stops transmission seal leaks
Transmission seals can harden over time, which reduces their ability to withstand fluid pressure – allowing ATF to leak out. Lucas contains special chemicals that are designed to soften seals, which can help prevent leaks from occurring.

How to Use Lucas Transmission Fix

For best results, have your transmission oil and filter changed before adding Lucas. However, you can add it to your existing transmission fluid by simply removing the transmission dipstick and using a funnel to pour it in.

The instructions say you can add it in without removing any transmission fluid, but you need to check the level on the dipstick (with the vehicle running) to ensure that you are not going to overfill the transmission. If the fluid is already at the full mark, you should remove some first to make enough space for the Lucas. Search online or check your owner’s manual if you’re having trouble locating the dipstick.

It’s best to drive around for at least 15 minutes or so before introducing this additive so that your engine and transmission are warm and up to operating temperatures. Lucas Transmission Fix is a very thick liquid, and its friction modifiers and additives are designed to dissolve into the transmission fluid as it heats up. After adding it to your transmission, you should drive around for 15 – 20 minutes in order for it to fully blend with the existing fluid. You should notice the effects almost immediately.

One bottle of Lucas is enough for most cars, but if your vehicle is large or the transmission is in very poor condition, you might need two.

If you’re unhappy with Lucas Transmission Fix, you can change your transmission fluid and filter to remove it from your vehicle completely. Since it contains no solvents, it cannot harm any of the transmission’s internal components.

Final thoughts

Lucas Oil has been making automotive additives for many years. They are well respected throughout the auto industry, and it’s uncommon to find anybody who has experienced negative effects from using their products.

It’s important to understand that a transmission additive like Lucas is not the end-all solution to your transmission problems. That said, it can reduce the severity of most symptoms and keep a transmission running longer. Mileage and how you drive can wear down a transmission’s internal components, and the only permanent solution is to fix, rebuild or replace the transmission.

I have personally seen this product reduce transmission hesitation and slippage on high mileage vehicles and since it is not a solvent, it can be used with little chance of negative effects.

The positive benefits are easier to see on older vehicles with worn transmissions. The additives in Lucas Transmission Fix do seem to improve gear engagement, but stopping transmission leaks tends to be hit or miss (it really depends on the severity of the leak).

The bottom line is, Lucas can help with problems normally associated with worn, high mileage transmissions. This will hopefully keep you on the road until you can afford to have the transmission properly repaired. This product isn’t a permanent solution, but it can work well as a temporary fix.

Need a replacement transmission? Get an estimate for replacement transmissions and local installation. Look up your transmission model by vehicle make and model.

What Transmission Do I Have?

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M Huff
5 years ago

I have a 2004 Honda Civic Hybrid with CVT. What Lucas fix can I use for my transmission?
Where can I get it?

5 years ago
Reply to  M Huff


5 years ago

I have a 2008 Aveo with 145000km and the A/T started slipping really bad a few months back. Tried a few other products that didn’t do much of anything. Got a drain and fill at Jiffy Lube, then I added a bottle of this. My A/T is by no means ‘fixed’, but the fluid change and addition of the Lucas Trans Fix really helped lessen my issues I was having. It’s much easier to ‘convince’ the car to shift and not rev to 4500RPM and when it’s cool enough out, I actually have next to no issues. I honestly think this additive will help my car make it through the winter. I’d definitely suggest trying it, especially on a vehicle that costs more to repair than its worth.

5 years ago

Is ok to use on cvt transmission

5 years ago
Reply to  Rudy

No this is not okay to use in CVT transmissions.

5 years ago

Will this work on a honda crv transmission?

5 years ago

I am still unclear as to if LUCAS is safe to use on my Mercedes 722.7 that is my my 1998 S320 W140 chassis

5 years ago

My transmission had started hesitating, shifting and just acting weird. I know nothing about cars and really don’t have anyone in my life that does. After starting to panic and googling stuff i came across this product. Said what the hell whats 15$ compared to what i may have to fix. Put it in yesterday and all weird stuff have completely stopped. I know its only for a minor fix not forever, but boy is my mind at ease. Car is even quieter than before it started acting weird. Buying as many bottles up as possible as there was only 1 left at O reilys. Thanks makers! And I’m recommending to anyone that even smiles at

5 years ago
Reply to  Nique


5 years ago

How often do you add it once it’s been added to the fluid?

5 years ago
Reply to  Reid

I put a bottle in my 2011 Ram 1500 with over 200,000k on it like 10 days ago and threw in another bottle today. No hard shifting or hesitation.

I put in 2 as I have a bigger truck and the tranny has been put threw the grinder… more than once.

James Plunk
5 years ago

i put it in my truck when i changed fluid Monday it stopped shifting and still want shift a friend of mine did the same and his truck stopped shifting like mine

Jeremy Davis
6 years ago

I have a question. I live in Wyoming and the weather here now is barely getting above 30 for the highs. If I add Lucas transmission fix to my fluid will the cold weather cause the fluid to get very thick and burn up my transmission pump?

5 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy Davis

No it will not, one quart of Lucas treatment will mix itself with the other 9 quarts of transmission oil you already have in your vehicle.

6 years ago

I have a 2001 Buick century custom and it won’t stay in gear …I have to turn the car off then back on to make it go.then it will slowly catch up..what’s wrong

5 years ago
Reply to  Brandon

It’s the pump, my Buick also did the same thing has to replace the transmission

6 years ago

I have Acura TL 2000. Has a 195k miles. Transmission slips on 2nd gear and shifts very tough. Any advice to make it work better if I use Lucas fluid?

6 years ago

Well folks i have an 03 suburban 3rd gear is alipping in and out, its freaking terrible. Its a 4 wheel drive with a V8 engine. Yhese trucks are huge, heavy, and have 3rd row seating. Its basically a mini bus. With all the above being being mentioned, Im gonna put two bottles of this miracle juice in my truck and I’ll let uou all know how it goes……..

Debbie Sheppard
6 years ago

I just put 5 new selonoids in the outside of my transmission on a 2005 Impalia and it worked a month, then it didn’t shift like it should. I put this Lucas oil in it and it seems to be working. Will that oil start the new parts working better?

6 years ago

In theory. it acts as an extra lubricant but as the celinoids are new the would be already present so your problem is elsewhere in the transmission not that the noids weren’t also a problem. I. The article it says that the bands and seals get worn so those may have been why you had to add in the first place

7 years ago

Taking 2002 Grand Cherokee and this Lucas
Trans Fix can be added after Trans flush??
Should it be added before trans fluid or after. My vehicle is great only has 82000 although I want to us it correctly

Michael Howard
5 years ago
Reply to  Donna

I own a 2002 Toyota Solara SE with 189k and a 2003 Infiniti G35 with 140k and a 2008 Chevrolet Impala LTZ 3.9 L with 115k …
I use Lucus Transmission Fix on all 3 vehicles with no bad experiences, in fact I used it on my Toyota Solara 2.4L for the first time when it hit 187k and it feels great and I have noticed that it kicks down when I am passing much more easily then it has in the past, I have owened this car for 3 years and I pur 90k on it and I chang the transmission fluid every 30.000 miles and I have not had nore have I noticed any issues with the transmission in the past.
All three of my cars felt better smother after adding Lucus transmission fix when I serviced my transmissions at 30.000 intervals.
I believe it is best to add this product when you are changing the transmission fluid and filter and before you are experiencing transmission problems.
I premixed the Lucus transmission fix with the transmission fluid prior to adding into my transmission as it is very thick and I believe it could possibly cause a problem with pumping through the transmission, so at the very least I think it is best to drain off enough transmission fluid to mix it with at least two quarts of regular transmission fluid when you add this product to your transmission.
I recommend you use this product before you experience any issues with your transmission and service your transmission every every 30.000 miles provided it is in good condition to start with.
I want to say is I only use Valvoline multi vehicle transmission fluid on all of my vehicles and I have been for many years and I have had no problems or issues with any of my vehicles transmission’s.
I am a retired repair auto shop manager and I have been working on cars over 40 years.
Last thing I want to say is change your engine oil every 3 to 4 thousand miles and your transmission fluid every 30 to 40 thousand miles and don’t listen to the factory recommended service intervals because they want your cars to ware and braake down.
drive your vehicle easy up and easy down and you should not experience any engine or transmission issues!

7 years ago

I have a 1999 BMW with a lifetime transmission no dip to check fluid feels like it’s in park can rev rpms car just won’t go into any gear any suggestions? Besides the replacement of a transmission, that’s just not an option for me. Thanks in advance

brian hammett
7 years ago

I have a 2007 toyota sienna that was starting to develop hard shifting and a little shudder between the 1-2 upshift. also had a problem when slowing down from average around town speed when stopping for a traffic light. if the light turned green before I came to a complete stop, the trans would act like it was in neutral for a second and then slam into gear hard. The van has 190,000 miles on it, and I am not going to spend the money to get the trans rebuilt. I was hesitant about putting an additive in it, but figured it couldnt hurt. I was concerned about overfilling, so I added 1/2 the bottle of lucas to see what would happen. Put the trans in neutral, and squeezed about half in. drove it home from the auto parts store, and the hard shifting, and banging into gear has completely resolved in less than 10 minutes from the addition of the bottle. excited to drive it some more later and see how the other issues are.

4 years ago
Reply to  brian hammett

I just purchased a 2005 that has a hesitant shift between 2nd and 3rd 25-35mph, let us know how it’s worked for you!

7 years ago

so, If I understand this correctly, I should remove some transmission fluid to add lucas, my 2004 Toyota Tundra is full. What is the best way to do this?

Buck Davenport
7 years ago

I have a Jeep wrangler 4 cylinder 2006 6 speed Manuel. 95000 miles it’s hard to get in reverse and 1st gear especially when cold Will Lucas transmission fix help it ??? Thanks Buck

6 years ago
Reply to  Buck Davenport

Yes Buck, it will help but it’s a temporary fix.. Thanks

7 years ago

how much lucas engine stop leak do you put in an automatic transmission. I have
a leaking transmission pan gasket. I tried this in my motor and it sealed up a leaking valve cover gasket. So I decided to put some in the tranny too. I just can’t see to find out anywhere how much to add

mulenga chola
7 years ago

hi, help how do u position the faces of dua cluth plats to a manual merceds benz for starlling truck .

Sunday Omale
7 years ago

I have a Toyota Sienna 2004 and earlier this year discovered water in the transmission. The oil was replaced but since then transmission not working optimally. Can Lucas help such situation where water entered into a transmission?

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