An automatic transmission can be quite costly to repair, which is why there are so many transmission additives on the market today. One of the most popular brands is Lucas Transmission Fix, and if you’ve ever had transmission problems, you’ve probably heard of it. It claims to fix transmission slipping, hard shifting, transmission leaks, and stalling. But does it work? Let’s find out…
What Transmission Do I Have?

What is Lucas Transmission Fix?
Lucas Transmission Fix is a non-solvent transmission additive that contains a blend of friction modifiers and other petroleum-extracted additives. What this means is, the non-solvent formula will not harm any of the seals or internal components inside your transmission over time. The additives are specially designed to help reduce the effects of worn transmission components. This product won’t completely fix a broken transmission, but it will help the transmission operate properly – and for under $10.
What does it do?
Reduces slipping, rough shifting, and hesitation
Lucas Transmission Fix is designed for automatic transmissions that slip out of gear, experience hard shifts (they sort of “bang” into gear), or transmissions that seem to hesitate to engage (go into) gears. These problems often develop over time, and can be attributed to worn transmission bands, worn clutches, and clogged valve bodies.
To smooth out gear engagement/shifting, this additive contains friction modifiers that can improve the grip between the clutch plates inside the transmission, and the lockup clutch inside the torque converter. The proprietary formula also creates a polymeric film on the transmission bands to reduce slipping. And, special additives also help to remove sludge and varnish from inside the transmission valve body, which can significantly help up-shift/down-shift operation.
Stops transmission seal leaks
Transmission seals can harden over time, which reduces their ability to withstand fluid pressure – allowing ATF to leak out. Lucas contains special chemicals that are designed to soften seals, which can help prevent leaks from occurring.
How to Use Lucas Transmission Fix
For best results, have your transmission oil and filter changed before adding Lucas. However, you can add it to your existing transmission fluid by simply removing the transmission dipstick and using a funnel to pour it in.
The instructions say you can add it in without removing any transmission fluid, but you need to check the level on the dipstick (with the vehicle running) to ensure that you are not going to overfill the transmission. If the fluid is already at the full mark, you should remove some first to make enough space for the Lucas. Search online or check your owner’s manual if you’re having trouble locating the dipstick.
It’s best to drive around for at least 15 minutes or so before introducing this additive so that your engine and transmission are warm and up to operating temperatures. Lucas Transmission Fix is a very thick liquid, and its friction modifiers and additives are designed to dissolve into the transmission fluid as it heats up. After adding it to your transmission, you should drive around for 15 – 20 minutes in order for it to fully blend with the existing fluid. You should notice the effects almost immediately.
One bottle of Lucas is enough for most cars, but if your vehicle is large or the transmission is in very poor condition, you might need two.
If you’re unhappy with Lucas Transmission Fix, you can change your transmission fluid and filter to remove it from your vehicle completely. Since it contains no solvents, it cannot harm any of the transmission’s internal components.
Final thoughts
Lucas Oil has been making automotive additives for many years. They are well respected throughout the auto industry, and it’s uncommon to find anybody who has experienced negative effects from using their products.
It’s important to understand that a transmission additive like Lucas is not the end-all solution to your transmission problems. That said, it can reduce the severity of most symptoms and keep a transmission running longer. Mileage and how you drive can wear down a transmission’s internal components, and the only permanent solution is to fix, rebuild or replace the transmission.
I have personally seen this product reduce transmission hesitation and slippage on high mileage vehicles and since it is not a solvent, it can be used with little chance of negative effects.
The positive benefits are easier to see on older vehicles with worn transmissions. The additives in Lucas Transmission Fix do seem to improve gear engagement, but stopping transmission leaks tends to be hit or miss (it really depends on the severity of the leak).
The bottom line is, Lucas can help with problems normally associated with worn, high mileage transmissions. This will hopefully keep you on the road until you can afford to have the transmission properly repaired. This product isn’t a permanent solution, but it can work well as a temporary fix.
What Transmission Do I Have?

> See what others have to say about Lucas Transmission Fix on Amazon <
2002 Dakota 4.7……will it seal leaks on the trans cooling lines???
I used this product on my 2007 ford 150 the transmission was slipping very badly and overheating. Within 100 miles all of the slipping stopped, here I am 30,000 miles and 2 years later and the slipping has not returned. This product saved me. 3,000 dollars!!! Simply amazing!!!! Thank You Lucas
2000 Toyota Corolla Automatic transmission developed a leak around 165K. I kept it full of fluid but it was 1/4 bottle of ATF every 360 Miles or so, this was starting to get expensive, I was thinking about replacing trans gaskets. Money is always an issue so that fix was looming large. My father told me about Lucas…I asked a few mechanics that I know and they all said to be careful, but since the car is high miles, and I’m not likely to keep it forever, go ahead. I added 10 oz as per the directions, refilled the trans fluid to hot full mark. Leak stopped instantly. Trans seems to pull a little better and my MPG went from 36 MPG highway to 37.5 to 38 ish…This may not work on all problems, but it worked on mine. I still watch the fluid, but I haven’t had to add any yet and I’m at 175,000 and counting. I have no problems with this being my 164 Mile round trip commuter car.
I have a 08 Saturn outlook and I added lucas because my gears are slipping and it didn’t help. I was trying to save money but I guess I will have to just get a new motor or is there anything else I could do….
I have a 1999 Ford Explorer Sport with 190.000. Transmission started slipping and I added 2 bottles of this product and never slipped again. The transmission works like new! Thank you Lucas!
I’m just curious how effective it is specifically on a slipping transmission ? I have an 03 kia Rio. So obviously, I can’t spend any significant money to fix/ rebbuild/replace the tranny. ( and before anyone mentions it, no my tranny is NOT the infamous Mitsubishi 1600 that has the notorious slipping issue but surprisingly simple and comparatively inexpensive fix — why, I have no fu%#ing
idea) In any case, the question is how effective is the Lucas additive at tackling a tranny that wants to slip in higher gears? I can only drive in 1st and 2nd gears. So basically, I can only go about 35 miles an hour, and even that speed tachs me up to 4000 rpm. If I could limp along for 2 or 3 months with the additive, I would be ecstatic. Thank you for any comments!
Lucas Transmission Fix in a bottle is a God sent. Great product by
1993 dodge Dakota left in field over a year picked it up for free great price 114000 miles was told trans smoked dumped all fluids used Lucas in trans and oil both products worked fantastic now the previous owner won’t talk to me said wtf that truck never ran so good .note once you add the juice give the vichicle a solid run about 40 miles
The transmission of my 2000 GMC Savana cargo van started slipping in the spring of 2016, so I started shopping for a new truck. By the end of the summer I couldn’t get the transmission to shift into 3rd gear, or reverse. My mechanic told me to use the Lucas Transmission Fix. After a few days the transmission was back to normal. I was able to go in reverse! This is an amazing product
Once if I am able to fix my transmission slipping problem with help of lucas, How long will my car run? As in after how many miles do I need to add this product?
Will this product be good for at least 1000miles?
Just bought a new Jeep Grand Cherokee. Only a few hundred miles on it. No problems yet.
Would Lucas work as a preventative measure?
I have a 2000 chevy 1500 with 240000 miles on it.I have changed my fluid and filter every 10000 miles. I use lucas tranny fliud and i add a bottle of lucas trans fix at every change. Trans shifts better now than it did when it was new. I also have a 2005 yukon with 180000 miles on it and i have done the same thing to it.Just sold a 1997 olds 88 with 200000 miles on it and it was done the same way,NO PROBLEM at all on none of my cars. I will use this stuff in all of my cars from now on,also works great in a manuel trans too
Once if I am able to fix my transmission slipping problem with help of lucas, How long will my car run? As in after how many miles do I need to add this product?
Will this product be good for at least 1000miles?
My wife has a Buick century 2005 from what I read this unit has notorious tranny problems but Otherwise love the vehicle great ride awsome fuel mileage little to no maintenance tranny started started having slam shifting after warm up changed filter and fluid same thing added lucas as last resort never beleived in in fix out of the bottle wow was I wrong add a couple ounces every 20,k unbelievable difference like new as above comment noted thanks LUCAS
How’s the Buick running now?
Lucas transmission additive helped my honda accord to go back on the rod – thanks Lucas ! My transmission would hesitate to engage while shifting and would do with a bump . Still I don’t trust the car on freeway in a start-stop traffic situation but it is trustworthy on surface streets , in case if I am forced to pull aside . Lucas is really effective and it does the job , thanks again . Lucas is a true product .
i have 1998 dodge dakota. front trans. seal leaks. transmisson works fine. i have tried lucas, but it did not stop leak. anything else that may work?
This stuff is gold!!! I have a 2006 Chevy impala, the transmission started to slip, I took it to a shop and told me it had to be rebuilt with a price tag of $1,700.00 I went to pep boys and bought a bottle of luccas transmission fix, put it in, and on my way to my house I noticed a huge difference in the way it shifted and the tranny stopped slipping. I’m sold on this product. If it wasn’t for this $10.00 bottle I was gonna get ready to fork over the $1,700.00. This stuff saved my wallet from a huge blow
How many miles did your Impala have when you started noticing the transmission slipping ?
This damn thing is miracle in a bottle… My Tranny was clunking and missing reverse…i add a bottle of lucas and i cant believe the difference it made…..i am going to change my filter and add 2 bottles since my tranny is badly damaged
I tried this in my 2007 Mazda CX9 and it, if anything, made things worse. I’m extremely disappointed. I’m crossing my fingers a transmission flush will do the job.
I have a 97 BMW 540i with low transmission oil level, will Lucas transmission fix a good additive for this particular car?
have 99 Astro Van at 150K I had trans cleaned and this product added, I’m at 207K now with NO problems didn’t have any issues with trans at 150K but thought wear may be next problem so preventive maintenance good idea. So far so good it’s a smooth shift in any gear and in Over drive runs smooth very please with the transmission additive… runs these vehicles to 450K before selling….took the hint….on to 400 K 🙂
Unbelievable the difference it made in my 02 F-350. I use my truck for hauling my horse trailer and noticed the trans was slipping on occasion when under load. It also would clunk when I would give it gas and let off the gas. Added Lucas, and drove my truck around the block and it was almost as if I had a brand new tranny! Absolutely unreal the difference it just made for my truck! Wish i did it sooner!
Have a 78 corvette did not no if transmission was rebuilt it seamed to shift fine small leak did not no if car had been sitting for a good will added Lucas to stop leaks we will see what happens thank you