The Lincoln Town Car was equipped with the 4R75E or 4R70W transmission. Earlier models were equipped with the AXOD/AX4N. But they aren’t without their problems though, so let’s look at some of the most common Lincoln Town Car transmission problems, look at cost estimates and figure out what you can do about them.
What Transmission Do I Have?

Lincoln Town Car Transmission Models
Lincoln Town Car: 4R75E / 4R70W Transmission (1996-Up)
Lincoln Town Car: AX4N/AXOD Transmission (1995-Down)
Lincoln Town Car Transmission Replacement Cost Estimate
Pricing varies by model. To be 100% sure on pricing, have your VIN# handy and use our Get An Estimate feature to look up your transmission by VIN#.
Replacement Lincoln Town Car Transmission Prices:
Transmission | Street Smart Transmission |
4R75E/W 4R70W | 2025 |
What are the DTC codes related to Lincoln Town Car transmission problems?
Trouble Code | Description |
P0700 | Transmission Control System (MIL Request) |
P0714 | Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0715 |
P0715 | Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit |
P0717 | Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal |
P0720 | Output Speed Sensor Circuit |
P0721 | Output Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance |
P0722 | Output Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal |
P0730 | Incorrect Gear Ratio |
P0731 | Gear 1 Incorrect Ratio |
P0732 | Gear 2 Incorrect Ratio |
P0733 | Gear 3 Incorrect Ratio |
P0734 | Gear 4 Incorrect Ratio |
P0766 | Shift Solenoid 'D' Performance or Stuck Off |
P0781 | 1-2 Shift |
P0782 | 2-3 Shift |
P0791 | Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor Circuit |
P0793 | Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal |
P2703 | Transmission Friction Element D Apply Time Range/Performance |
Lincoln Town Car Transmission Recalls
None Found
Lincoln Town Car Technical Service Bulletins (TSB)
TSB 10-23-7 – Transmission Cooler Leak
2008 – 2011 Lincoln Town Car
Problem – It’s not uncommon for a transmission fluid leak to develop on the driver’s side transmission cooler tube
Solution – Replace transmission cooler core
TSB 13-4-23 – 4R75E Transmission – Grinding/Slipping/Loss of Reverse
2008 – 2011 Lincoln Town Car
Problem – Some vehicles may experience a grinding/whining noise, unusual vibrations, slipping, and potentially a loss of reverse gear, all resulting from a failure of the planetary gear assembly
Solution – Install planetary upgrade kit and new torque converter
Common Problems with the Lincoln Town Car Transmission
TCC Application in 2nd Gear – 4R75E Transmission / 4R70 Transmission
2005 – 2006 Lincoln Town Car
Problem – A lack of power after the 1-2 shift can be caused by an un-commanded torque converter clutch application / TCC apply. The P0742 and/or P1742 DTCs may also be stored.
Solution – The #7 check ball inside of the valve body may have worn down to an incorrect size, allowing the torque converter clutch to apply after the 1-2 shift. Replacement of this check ball may solve the problem.
Slipping in All Forward Gears – 4R75E Transmission
2005 – 2006 Ford 4R75E Transmission
Problem – Many 2005 – 2006 Ford vehicles equipped with the 4R75E transmission, may experience excessive slipping in all forward gears. Metal shavings may also be present in the transmission fluid.
Solution – Replace forward clutch drum and update ECU with program 06B06
Lack of Response
Leaking Fluid
Low Fluid
Burning Smell
Grinding or Shaking
Whining, Clunking or Humming
Refuses to Go Into Gear
Torque Converter Issues
Valve Body Issues
Transmission Noisy in Neutral
Gears Slipping
No 3rd or 4th Gear
No 1st or 2nd Gear
No Reverse
Dragging Clutch
Trouble Codes / Check Engine Light
Lincoln Town Car 3rd gear slipping
Although the Lincoln Town Car is a very reliable car, 2001 and later models equipped with the transmission 4R70W/4R70E or 4R75E transmission can have a number of shifting problems. For example, the Lincoln Town Car 3rd gear slip is often accompanied by a lack of engine braking when the transmission is manually shifted into the 2 position.
Cause of most Lincoln Town Car 3rd gear shift problems
The above Lincoln Town Car shifting problems are usually caused by a failed overdrive servo retaining snap ring or a broken overdrive servo ‘E’ clip. If this happens, all of those little broken pieces make their way into the overdrive servo regulator valve, which will prevent the overdrive band from fully applying. If you decide to just have the transmission rebuilt, the overdrive servo regulator valve assembly will have to be removed from the valve body and any damage caused by the debris will need to be repaired. This step is often overlooked by most mechanics and can lead to more transmission problems in the future. However, if you opt for a reman Lincoln Town Car transmission from a company like Street Smart Transmission, you can rest assured that this very important step won’t be overlooked.
How much is it going to cost to fix my 4R70W/4R70E or 4R75E transmission?
Unfortunately, the problem described here will require the removal and disassembly/partial disassembly of your transmission. Given the labor time involved to remove the transmission from the vehicle (this is not a simple task), most repair shops will recommend that you go ahead and rebuild the entire transmission while it’s out. Since they already have to tear it down to replace the 4R70W/4R70E or 4R75E transmission, it sort of makes sense to spend the extra money to do that. After all, you should get a lot more mileage out of your transmission once it’s rebuilt. And since they’ve already got the transmission apart, might as well, right?
Can I drive with a transmission problem?
If your Lincoln Town Car can still make it up and down the road, you might say “It’s fine, I’ll just drive it until I can get it fixed”. But that is not always a good idea, depending on the symptoms. You see, there are a lot of (very expensive) moving parts inside of a transmission, and if something isn’t right, continuing to drive with a transmission problem could damage something else.
How often does a Lincoln Town Car transmission need to be replaced?
The overall lifespan of a Lincoln Town Car transmission largely depends on how well it was maintained. Factory design flaws also factor into this equation, along with how/how hard you drive. But on average, we’ve seen the Lincoln Town Car transmission last for between 130,000-180,000 miles. A high quality replacement transmission however, can last considerably longer if all of the factory design flaws have been addressed and the vehicle has been maintained.
How are Lincoln Town Car transmission issues diagnosed?
It is fairly easy to guesstimate what the root cause of your Lincoln Town Car transmission problems might be, but you won’t truly know unless you have the right tools and experience. A good mechanic or transmission repair center will be able to connect your truck to a computer and find out which diagnostic trouble codes (DTC’s) have been stored. Once they know what to look for, they can perform a visual inspection to verify the problem.
How is a Lincoln Town Car transmission replaced?
In order to replace your Lincoln Town Car transmission, the truck has to be lifted from the ground in order to gain access to all of the parts that will need to be unbolted. Then the transmission can be lowered to the ground (typically with a transmission jack), so the new transmission can be installed. Once it is in place, for the 6L80, the vehicle PCM will have to be reprogrammed / reflashed to accept the new transmission using the latest GM subscription.
Recommendations for Lincoln Town Car transmission issues?
To save time and get back on the road faster, have your 17-digit truck VIN# handy and you can get an online quote for a reman Lincoln Town Car transmission here, then find a local shop using our Find a Shop guide to install it for you.
How to Solve Lincoln Town Car Transmission Problems
Solution A: Buy a Used Lincoln Town Car Transmission
The quickest way to fix your transmission problems is to simply buy a used transmission or used transmission. These can be found at most junk yards, and they often come with a 30-90 day warranty. However, there’s no way to determine the actual condition of the internal components, so you could be spending a bunch of money to have the exact same problems. Plus, that warranty only covers the transmission if it’s defective, not the labor costs that you’ll have to pay.
Solution B: Buy a Rebuilt Lincoln Town Car Transmission
Another option would be a rebuilt transmission or rebuilt transmission. A local repair shop will remove your transmission, then install a bunch of new parts during the rebuild. The problem here is, the skills and experience of each transmission rebuilder will vary widely from shop to shop, so you could have problems from something that wasn’t adjusted properly. And the 1-2 year warranty might only cover you at certain transmission repair shops, in a specific geographical area.
Solution C: Buy a Remanufactured Lincoln Town Car Transmission
Many owners depend on their vehicle to commute and get things done. Their gasoline engines are designed to go 100’s of thousands of miles, so it makes sense to invest in a remanufactured transmission.
What Transmission Do I Have?

What Problem Does Your Lincoln Town Car Have?
Let us know the year, mileage and problem you’re having as well as any trouble (OBD) codes you’ve found. If you’ve been given a quote or paid for a repair, we’d like to hear about that too!
transmission makes a slight jolting sensation when shifting after car warms up.
Transmission delayed engagement out of Park for 15 seconds-1 minute.
2005 Lincoln Town Car only 52’000 miles. Well maintained.
vacuum advance valve, also check tiny plastic hoses…these can get hairline cracks & emit air into a pressurized system, thus slowing down the proper time of shifting sequence.
Goes forward fine won’t reverse
My lincoln town car will go backwards in reverse but won’t go forward in drive
Brought a new transmission and it still isn’t shifting out properly after 1 shift. 2001 Lincoln Towncar limited edition
mechanics error, if U paid 2 have it installed, he most likely left nut not neccted
Sorry my car is a 03 town car
I can not accelerate after 35miles and I can hear my engine accelerating no lights showing on dash bord
replace torque converter
I have a 2006 Lincoln town car that is very hard to get in gear. It takes about 7 tries everytime I get in car.
if U have an automatic tranny, its yer Planetary Gears, if its a manual shift, the Throw Out Bearing needs adjustment & is VERY EZ 2 do !!! Also on a manual shift, there is a pin which goes into the shifter & into the clutch rods. Get a mechanic who can weld & weld a pin in place & that will stop the NO CATCH GEAR SYNDROME…
It is very to get car in gear
95 town care executive series. 4R70W trans. 126,000 miles. Noticed a delay between reverse and drive and 250 miles later I parked. Went to leave and didn’t have any forward gears, only reverse. Auto zone scanned it and said no codes came up at all but check engine light was on when I purchased the car at 122000. Had it scanned then and throttle position sensor was the code it showed. Fluids not burnt, no silver metallic in it, fluid was clean. Dropped pan and the magnet had some powder like metallic on it bit also black slimy coating covered it. A very tiny amount of black substance in bottom of pan, assuming from clutch wear but no metal shavings.
most of that blak slimey crap is an additive that sum1 threw in there 2 make the tranny perform long enuf 2 fool U… BUYER BEWARE !!!
How do I know which transmission I have in my 2003 two options
1997 towncar all at once over drive started slipping without any previous problems. Had just made 200 mile trip. 133,000. filter and fluid changed. no grit in pan and very small shavings.
torque converter probz
06 town car hard shift in reverse
Have a 2001 Lincoln Town car won’t shift into overdruve
2004 town car. After driving for a while the overdrive dash light started flashing. Pulled over and turned the car off and started back up was fine. Feel like I’m losing power though around 40mph and it may be slipping. Any info
In the morning it hesitate to drive but after revving the engine it jerks and get the gear
its most likely a torque converter, cuz of the clutch plate inside the converter. Theres 4 parts in a torque converter which make your vehicle launch off the line & the converter fits nicely in place at the front of your tranny & its a sort of the hartBeat of your transmission & is usually the culprit of Ride vs. Walk & then there are Planetary Gears inside yer tranny ! Its a good idea 2 change yer tranny filter once every 2 years & new tranny fluid, also flushing out the transmission once every 2 years is a small price 2 pay 2 avoid BIG headaches…Most of the oil changing businesses can do that 4 U, if U pay’em 2 doit $35.00 bux ! Also change the differential housing lubricant once every 3 years & have the old crap sucked-out…$39.00 bux i recommend Zippy Lube as my personal preference, cuz thir fast & efficient & fairly low priced, especially if yer disabled & cant doit yerSelf anymore ! ONE LAST ITEM, Complete Lube of the Chassis, this includes all the steering componets, upper & lower control arms, new bushings (if their cracked) Lube all ZERK FITTINGS for grease applications or just buy a Tesla…Lma0
Only has reverse gear…will not go forward in any forward gear…
How did you fix this? I’m having the same problem
95 town car executive series. Lost all gears except reverse
Replace transmission change neutral safety switch replaced brake switch the whole transmission is doing the same thing in your original one is a crank run and I’ll put it in gear and act as if it’s in neutral and reverse drive will not move and park it where it is right what could this be
2003 with 62k miles can shudder between 3rd and 4th gear under little acceleration. Fluid looks good. Should fluid be changed for starters?
Change the plug coil packs.
if your engine idles a little ruff after its been running about 10 mins & theres a puffing feeling on your hand at the exhaust pipe, there is a chemical sold at Walmart named Fuel 101, made by Starbright. Its advertised as a fuel stabilizer, bt i SWEAR by this stuff, its a tune-up in a little blue bottle & sells for about $8.00 bux & i was told by a mechanic in Sarasota, Florida that the #6 coil pack needed to be replaced ! I used ONLY 1/2 the bottle on my 2002 Lincoln Towncar & 93 octane from BP gas & i let it idle for 2 hours & now i cant even feel the engine idling & it runs like a raped ape & gets 23.7 miles to a gallon in city driving. I always use 93 octane BP gas as the lower grade fuels are TRASH FUEL ! I did the same to my 2002 Chevy Astro Van & it also made the engine run really smooth & i use 93 octane BP gas in it too ! Both vehicles are rated for 87 octane, bt i cant get good mileage with the crappy gas they sell these days ! U can go on the web & look-up too find the tutorial video on that product…
01 Town Car Executive it has Fluttering Pinion angle . This fluttering is causing the rear axel housing to change it’s Pinion angle . To such an extent that it turns on the Abs, Brake & Traction control lights . Speedo is accurate up to about 65mph . Speedo starts fluctuating around 50 mph. Will disengage the cruise . It’s Vibration is felt in the front seat . I’ve replaced all 4 tires, torque converter , coils n plugs ,complete differential assembly & its entire rear suspension links . Its drive shaft has been rebuilt & balanced . This viberation has progressed over a 4,000 mile period . I’m thinking it’s a weak link in it’s electrical system , of the Transmission . Today it viberated at 70 mph in Netural Key Off ! Any & all help would be appreciated.
Motor, gearbox mounts are checked?
When replacing the pinion bearings, the new parts in the box must also be used. The sleeve inwhich the race of the bearing is seated in, is matched with each particular bearing ! These bearings will slide right into place, but there are 2 more steps too go ! The pinion gears have a tolerance gap & they must be centered correctly so they will lap properly in the middle of each tooth & after thats dun, the last step are the shims too be lightly tapped-in on the outside of each bearing ! Dont 4get 2 put the pin in the opening between the 2 pinion gears ! Theres a tutorial about rebuilding the differential gears & the ole kat is an ASE Certified Instructor, who teaches would be mechanics of how too become ASE Certified mechanics ! This man is a NO BS instructor & gets 2 the point of the problem rather quickly, without alota extra lip involved ! Dont put trust in these transmission shops cuz they’ll try 2 soak ya !$$$!
My car was riding fine, as I was pulling in the yard it stopped and would not go into drive or reverse. The transmission fluid was checked and there was absolutely no fluid!! Once the fluid was added the vehicle still would not drive. Please help
Lost reverse in car does not make any noise doesn’t shake doesn’t rattle fluid does not smell burnt what are the possible problems
a vacuum advance valve will shift your tranny into reverse if so equipped & the other prob is misalignment of reverse gear due to a pin falling out of place !