Hyundai Elantra Transmission Problems & Overview

Launched in the United States for the 1992 model year, the Hyundai Elantra was an affordable compact transportation device that cost thousands less than a similarly sized Civic or Corolla. By 2001, Hyundai decided to play-up the “value for money” proposition by giving the third generation Elantra standard front-side airbags and a full suite of power equipment. Buyers began to notice the now-competitive little Hyundai, and popularity of the 4th (2007-2010) and 5th (2011-2016) generation Elantra began to soar.

Need a replacement transmission? Get an estimate for replacement transmissions and local installation. Look up your transmission model by vehicle make and model.

What Transmission Do I Have?

Is there something wrong with your Elantra? Let’s look at some of the most common transmission problems, and see what you can do to get your car back on the road.

Hyundai Elantra Recalls

1999 Elantra – 99V178000

On 1999 Elantra models equipped with an automatic transmission, the pressure control solenoid valve seals do not remain sufficiently elastic, resulting in a transmission fluid leak. This leakage can result in reduced pressure application to the clutches, brake, and kickdown servo, allowing them to slip.

Such slippage can cause premature deterioration of the friction element surfaces and could cause the car not to accelerate, or not accelerate as expected, when the driver presses the accelerator pedal.

Recall notification began on July 14, 1999, and dealers were instructed to replace the pressure control solenoid valve free of charge. For more information, owners can contact Hyundai at 1-800-829-9956, or they can call the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s auto safety hotline at 1-888-dash-2-dot (1-888-327-4236).

Hyundai Elantra Technical Service Bulletins (TSB)

2011 Elantra – TSB 15-01-012

On automatic equipped versions of the 2011 Elantra, the end of the cable connecting the transmission range switch to the car’s shift lever pin is fastened to the pin with a rubber grommet. The connection between the shifter cable and shift lever pin is critical to ensure proper gear selection (including placing the vehicle in Park). If the cable becomes disconnected and the vehicle is not in the Park position, the vehicle may roll if the parking brake is not applied.

To fix or prevent this problem, an “E-clip” will need to be installed on the shift lever pin as a supplemental method of securing the cable.

2011-17 Elantra / 2013 Elantra GT / 2013-2014 Elantra Coupe – TSB 16-AT-006

The shift lever on some 6-speed automatic equipped vehicles may intermittently not shift out of Park.

This problem can be caused by a faulty brake switch, shifter assembly, or a misaligned or failed inhibitor switch. If these components pass inspection, check the TCU and TCU2 fuse in the junction box in the engine compartment: Check the fuse for an open circuit. Check the fuse for correct capacity. Check the fuse holder for a tight fit. Check for loose or damaged wires. If damage or an open circuit is found, repair or replace the front harness/junction box (PNC 91-912). For Elantra (UD/MD), replace the EMS Block (91951-3X100) and retest. Other causes include a failed cluster, shift lock solenoid, or BCM (Body Control Module).

2001-2006 Elantra 1.6L / 2007 Elantra Sedan 2.0L / 2009 Elantra Touring 2.0L – TSB 10-AT-011

After replacing the automatic transmission, or reprogramming the PCM/TCM to improve the shift quality condition, the adaptive learning function must be reset. The PCM or TCM contains logic programming to adjust solenoid duty and line pressure as needed to compensate for normal clutch wear over the life of the transaxle.

The PCM/TCM adaptive values must be reset (erase) and “relearn” in order to provide optimum shift quality

2011 Elantra – TSB. 12-AT-003-1

Some 2011 Elantra models equipped with the automatic transmission may experience a rattle or clicking noise from the front muffler with the brake applied in Reverse after a cold start. The noise does not occur after engine warm-up.

To fix this problem and stop the rattle, the front muffler will need to be replaced.

Need a replacement transmission? Get an estimate for replacement transmissions and local installation. Look up your transmission model by vehicle make and model.

What Transmission Do I Have?

What Transmission Does a Hyundai Elantra Have?


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What Problem Does Your Elantra Have?

Let us know the year, mileage and problem you’re having as well as any trouble (OBD) codes you’ve found. If you’ve been given a quote or paid for a repair, we’d like to hear about that too!

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5 years ago

I have a 2001 Hyundai elantra gt. With 110874 miles. Sometimes it dont want to shift from first to second. And sometimes i be going down highway at 70 mph and it down shifts on its own. Please help.

5 years ago
Reply to  Grandmathersa

I have had this issue. It is a feature to protect the engine and prevents you from continuing to drive it. You need to get it to a shop that has the Hyundai codes to diagnose the issue. In mine it was the transmission sensors. Mine was fixed for a minimal cost and I have driven it for another three years.

5 years ago

I have.a 2013 Hyundai Elantra
When I come to a stop sign or red light my car feels like it acceralated some.

5 years ago

I have the same problem.

5 years ago

My 2011 Elantra is slipping gears and I have to change acceleration to “force” it to shift. It requires more to move forward in general. A bit before I noticed this my Airbag signal came on. My mechanic can’t fit me in for a week and I’m worried that driving it until then will worsen the condition.

5 years ago

2016 Elantra. Will not move when put in Drive. Previously had jerking movement when put in gear (drive) and when coming to a stop.

5 years ago

I have a 2010 Elantra. It goes in reverse but will not move in drive. Gear display shows it is in drive

Donald tessier from valleyfield que
5 years ago
Reply to  Rick

I have elantra 2007 car is cold start car and put it on drive its working go where i got to when back to car star éd put on drive dosent work try to reverse dosent work to and lihgt of thé dash bord show its in park and neutralité in same time and be able to move in sec gear

Brian Blake
5 years ago
Reply to  Rick

Have a 2008 Elantra that has the exact same problem. All the other gears work. But when I put it in Drive I get nothing. What repairs did you make to fix it ??!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Rick

Were you able to figure out what was going on with your vehicle my Elantra is doing the same thing

Ron Campbell
5 years ago

I.have a 2014 Elantra automatic. Today while driving , sometimes in drive it will quit moving. It seems it is in neutral. Let off the gas.and hit the pedal again the car will move.
5 years ago

I have a 2012 elantra when it get warm out and I’ve been driving for a while and park it won’t go back in drive till it cools down then it goes back in drive does not do in the winter

5 years ago

I have a 2017 Elantra and having trouble with my transmission.. I put.a new battery on the day before but the next day while on the way to work it lost power and.made a loud noise and then jerked Took it to the shop and mechanic informed I had no leaks but my.”inner” transmission was going out which baffled him since the car is not that old and I had no previous warning signs.Has anyone else experienced this and I really think Hyundai should be doing a recall. Vehicle is not old enough to have this major issue.

5 years ago
Reply to  Raine

I have a 2016 Hyundai Elantra and Just went thru the exact same thing. Was ubering and my car all of a sudden wouldn’t accelerate into drive. Eventually it started shaking, check engine light came on and boom the trans was out!

3 years ago
Reply to  Raine

I’m having the same problems. I had to have my vehicle towed and no lights came on the vehicle. It’s been in the shop. I found out today my transmission went out. Are they having a recall on this? 2017 Elantra?

5 years ago

Car doesn’t shift into high gear and down shifts hard not all the time and if you shut car off and back on it works for a while

Dawn Kurtz
5 years ago

2012 transmission problems

5 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Kurtz

Mine seems to be slipping also. What was your outcome?

David Mendoza
5 years ago

2016 hudyai 1.8 liter 5 diferent codes 2 fuses missing out box unferhood won’t move when put in 2 gear

5 years ago

My 2016 Elantra doesn’t downshift when if should and as a result I have to let my foot off the gas so it will downshift to 2nd gear or it will stay in 3rd gear…..if I don’t let my foot off the gas pedal it will vibrate as it takes time to build up speed again….anyone have a thought? thanks

6 years ago

I have a 2008 Elantra se with 171,000 and it acts like it’s in nutral in all gears what is causing this

6 years ago
Reply to  Brock

Did you find anything out about this? I have a 2007, and that just happened to me this morning.

6 years ago

I have an Elantra GT 2013, 88 000Km, Automatic transmission. Never had problems with it until now.
Transmission won’t downshift, neither in auto mode nor in manual “sports” mode. It shifts fine (1-2-3-4-5) then stays on 5th gear when I stop at red light. And then, since I’m still on 5th gear, I need to floor it (push the gas pedal all the way) for the car to advance. Sometimes the car just stalls when stopping at red lights. Then its very difficult to start it. I need to floor it when turning the key for the car to start.
Sounds to me like an electronic issue.. Sensor, fuse, switch, solenoid, PCM/TCM, etc.. I don’t know..
I will plug it tomorrow with my ODB2 tester to get some codes.

6 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Did you find the issue?

Jennifer Willis
6 years ago

I am having the same issue as Stephanie. I was told the tcm needs to be replaced and reprogrammed. Is this true? How much to replace and reprogram?

6 years ago

Did they figure out the issue?

Ms M Jackson
6 years ago

I have purchased a 2015 Elantra on 7/5/18 a couple of weeks after the car suddenly started to give me problems. While driving under 30 mph the car just shut off no warning, the engine, oil, and battery light appears in the dash. Took the car back to used dealership and to the Hyundai dealership both run test in which nothing show up. Still having this happening and more frequently this a very dangerous problem and could cause a accident while I’m driving. The car also has stopped driving a little under 45 mph…no one can tell me that Hyundai is not aware of the problem when I’ve read that others have had this happen as well. I’ve been trying to get the car to a dealership for a full service diagnostic review but no dealership in my area seems to have a loaner vehicle. This has been going on now almost 2 months. I’m at my boiling point. Have contacted Hyundai consumers service and reportedly had them to tell me that my warranty is only up to 60000 miles.
And keep trying to get into the dealership..

Manuel E Valenzuela
5 years ago
Reply to  Ms M Jackson

I have the same problem

7 years ago

I have a problem suddenly my reverse gear light means R from meter is vanished and light also not indicating any sign and but car is not moving than suddenly with lot of noise it’s gear up and move but light and meter display still vanish please advise I’m worried she is my life

jalal gheewala
7 years ago

I have 2004 hyndai elantra.Since last 20 days i am having problem with my car.When i start my car in the morning and put into drive it gives 2-3 jerks and then it picks up speed, it continuesly give jerk for about a mile till it reaches operating temperature and temperature gauge stabalise and stop rising.Afterthat car runs smoothly even on the highway at 60 MPH speed. I got car checked with my mechanic who checked transmission fluid and found it good.What should be the problem.

Askar Altamimi
6 years ago
Reply to  jalal gheewala

I,have the same problem with my plantar 2011,tried with hyundai agent,but no way to manage the problem.

5 years ago
Reply to  jalal gheewala

I have a 2018 Hyundai Sonata and I have same problem like as you but it gives me one time jerk in the morning and then its fine. I contacted with dealership and then couldn’t found any thing (around 1k KM) and finally they found something now (around 8.6k KM). The problem is with transmission. I have 8 yrs warranty, so got replacement free. I think in your case, you have to replace the whole transmission or sell it as a salvage. Make a promise, I will not buy any Hyundai car and I am done with this brand.

Suka Thaggard
8 years ago

I have the same problem with my Elantra 2008 model. The transmission does the same problem, it will jerk every now and than and when it does jerk it stays on the same gear i believe is 3rd gear and would some how reset itself!

The problem is intermittent. When cold works ok…. I would believe that if this was a mechanical fault it shouldn’t work at all???

8 years ago

I have a 2007 Hyundai Elantra. I’m having transmission issues, especially when its hot out. It started last summer, then it stopped acting up all winter, and its started again this summer. Almost every time I drive now, at some point my car will jerk and make a loud THUNK sound, and it feels like its slipped out of gear. Is this what’s happening? It’s much harder to accelerate after this happens, and the engine/transmission is much louder. You can tell it’s working harder than usual. After the car has been turned off and not used for a little while, it goes back to “normal” and drives just fine, until the jerk and THUNK happens again. What is wrong, and what do I need to fix???

6 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

Any answer s?

6 years ago
Reply to  Rc

I have a 2008 Elantra se with 171,000 my problem is that when I try to shift it acts like it’s in nutral and don’t move can anyone help

Greg Blackwood
6 years ago
Reply to  Brock

Have you found priblem

5 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

Anybody found the problem because my 2007 Hyundai Elantra is doing the same thing when it’s hot outside it jumps out of gear and drives in limp mode but when I park and leave it it starts to run correct. please help

4 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

I don’t have any answer to this but that seems to be similar to what my 2010 Hyundai Elantra 5 speed manual transmission is doing. It’s not consistent either, sometimes it will shift smooth and other times it doesn’t want to go into gear. But for the most time it’s not coming out of gear completely and making a junky sound.

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