Ford Ranger Transmission Problems & Cost | 5R55E / 5R44E / 4R44E

The Ford Ranger was equipped with the 5R55E, 5R44E or 4R44E transmission. But they aren’t without their problems though, so let’s look at some of the most common Ford Ranger transmission problems, look at cost estimates and figure out what you can do about them.

Need a replacement transmission? Get an estimate for replacement transmissions and local installation. Look up your transmission model by vehicle make and model.

What Transmission Do I Have?

Ford Ranger Transmission Models

Ford Ranger: 5R55E / 5R44E / 4R44E Transmission

Ford Ranger Transmission Replacement Cost Estimate

Pricing varies by model. To be 100% sure on pricing, have your VIN# handy and use our Get An Estimate feature to look up your transmission by VIN#.

Replacement 5R55E / 5R44E / 4R44E Transmission:

TransmissionStreet Smart Transmission

What are the DTC codes related to Ford Ranger transmission problems?

Trouble CodeDescription
P0705Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Malfunction (PRNDL Input)
P0711Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
P0712Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input
P0713Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input
P0730Incorrect Gear Ratio
P0731Gear 1 Incorrect Ratio
P0732Gear 2 Incorrect Ratio
P0733Gear 3 Incorrect Ratio
P0734Gear 4 Incorrect Ratio
P0735Gear 5 Incorrect Ratio
P0745Pressure Control Solenoid 'A'
P0775Pressure Control Solenoid 'B'
P0795Pressure Control Solenoid 'C'
P0797Pressure Control Solenoid 'C' Stuck On
P0798Pressure Control Solenoid 'C' Electrical

Ford Ranger Transmission Recalls

None Found

Ford Ranger Technical Service Bulletins (TSB)

TSB 02-08-03 – Transmission fluid leak at servo cover
2001 – 2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac – 2001 – 2002 Ford Explorer Sport – 2001 – 2002 Ford Ranger
Problem – On vehicles equipped with the 2.3L, 3.0L or 4.0L engine with the 5R55E transmission, operating in cold climates may cause a transmission fluid leak at the servo cover.
Solution – Install updated servo cover(s).

TSB 02-13-8 – Low line pressure at wide open throttle (WOT), slipping and or delayed gear engagement
1995 – 2001 Ford Explorer – 1999 – 2002 Ford Explorer Sport – 2001 – 2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac – 1995 – 2002 Ford Ranger – 1997 – 2001 Mercury Mountaineer
Problem – Vehicles built prior to 12/1/2001 may experience a number of transmission problems including; no 2nd gear, no 3rd gear, no engine braking when in manual 1st, slipping and/or delayed gear engagements, DTC’s P0732, P0733 and/or P1762
Solution – Modify or install updated valve body

Common Problems with the Ford Ranger Transmission

Lack of Response
Leaking Fluid
Low Fluid
Burning Smell
Grinding or Shaking
Whining, Clunking or Humming
Refuses to Go Into Gear
Torque Converter Issues
Valve Body Issues
Transmission Noisy in Neutral
Gears Slipping
No 3rd or 4th Gear
No 1st or 2nd Gear
No Reverse
Dragging Clutch
Trouble Codes / Check Engine Light

Can I drive with a transmission problem?

If your Ford Ranger can still make it up and down the road, you might say “It’s fine, I’ll just drive it until I can get it fixed”. But that is not always a good idea, depending on the symptoms. You see, there are a lot of (very expensive) moving parts inside of a transmission, and if something isn’t right, continuing to drive with a transmission problem could damage something else.

How often does a Ford Ranger transmission need to be replaced?

The overall lifespan of a Ford Ranger transmission largely depends on how well it was maintained. Factory design flaws also factor into this equation, along with how/how hard you drive. But on average, we’ve seen the Ford Ranger transmission last for between 130,000-180,000 miles. A high quality replacement transmission however, can last considerably longer if all of the factory design flaws have been addressed and the vehicle has been maintained.

How are Ford Ranger transmission issues diagnosed?

It is fairly easy to guesstimate what the root cause of your Ford Ranger transmission problems might be, but you won’t truly know unless you have the right tools and experience. A good mechanic or transmission repair center will be able to connect your truck to a computer and find out which diagnostic trouble codes (DTC’s) have been stored. Once they know what to look for, they can perform a visual inspection to verify the problem.

How is a Ford Ranger transmission replaced?

In order to replace your Ford Ranger transmission, the truck has to be lifted from the ground in order to gain access to all of the parts that will need to be unbolted. Then the transmission can be lowered to the ground (typically with a transmission jack), so the new transmission can be installed. Once it is in place, for the 6L80, the vehicle PCM will have to be reprogrammed / reflashed to accept the new transmission using the latest GM subscription.

Recommendations for Ford Ranger transmission issues?

To save time and get back on the road faster, have your 17-digit truck VIN# handy and you can get an online quote for a reman Ford Ranger transmission here, then find a local shop using our Find a Shop guide to install it for you.

How to Solve Ford Ranger Transmission Problems

Solution A: Buy a Used Ford Ranger Transmission

The quickest way to fix your transmission problems is to simply buy a used transmission or used transmission. These can be found at most junk yards, and they often come with a 30-90 day warranty. However, there’s no way to determine the actual condition of the internal components, so you could be spending a bunch of money to have the exact same problems. Plus, that warranty only covers the transmission if it’s defective, not the labor costs that you’ll have to pay.

Solution B: Buy a Rebuilt Ford Ranger Transmission

Another option would be a rebuilt transmission or rebuilt transmission. A local repair shop will remove your transmission, then install a bunch of new parts during the rebuild. The problem here is, the skills and experience of each transmission rebuilder will vary widely from shop to shop, so you could have problems from something that wasn’t adjusted properly. And the 1-2 year warranty might only cover you at certain transmission repair shops, in a specific geographical area.

Solution C: Buy a Remanufactured Ford Ranger Transmission

Many owners depend on their vehicle to commute and get things done. Their gasoline engines are designed to go 100’s of thousands of miles, so it makes sense to invest in a remanufactured transmission.

Need a replacement transmission? Get an estimate for replacement transmissions and local installation. Look up your transmission model by vehicle make and model.

What Transmission Do I Have?

What Problem Does Your Ford Ranger Have?

Let us know the year, mileage and problem you’re having as well as any trouble (OBD) codes you’ve found. If you’ve been given a quote or paid for a repair, we’d like to hear about that too!

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Ronald Wright
1 year ago

07 Ranger. Driving at constant speed tach will jump about 200 rpm and drop back down. Over and over again. Does not sound like a slip. Just a sudden jump and back.
Vin# 1FTYR14D27PA38195

1 year ago

I just told twice. Broke internal linkage. How hard is it to replace with tranny installed. Never mind. Will figure out as I go.

1 year ago

Tranny was rebuilt by son. Installed by him. My job was to connect linkage. Wasn’t told to use 2 wrenches to tighten. I broke linkage internally. How hard is it to replace internal linkage with tranny installed

1 year ago

Flare between 2nd and 3rd

1 year ago

Over drive light flashing

2 years ago

Want pull when in drive

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I have a 4.0 replaced trans and it idles and throttles up fine when I’m neutral but when you put it in gear it won’t run right. . It bogs down when you pull out and has no power. What could it be????

Bradley Grice
2 years ago

Have a 2001 Ranger XLT and I have to add a quart of transmission fluid every other week. Nothing is leaking under the truck. Not sure what’s causing this.

Donald Helms
2 years ago

2000 Ford Ranger XLT 4×4 3.0L 4r44e transmission with 209,000 miles. Major slipping when pulling any kind of hill, or hitting a head wind. Replaced torque converter and shift all solenoids 1 year ago. Changed oil & filter and found a lot of clutch dust/material in oil pan.

Donald Helms
2 years ago

Slipping in all four gears.

2 years ago

In cold weather, (below 0C) 4th to 5th gear change can talk about 2 to 3 km before shifting, than it if fine. Sometime in any weather, that shift can be harsh.

Michael Clark
2 years ago

2000 ranger xlt, automatic with overdrive, as I was going down the road the light turn yellow, when I did I heard a big thump and I coaster into a parking lot, I try reverse wouldn’t move put in drive same thing, so I put it in to 2nd gear I drove about 7 miles to my home and it shifted good, someone said it sounds like the sprag or whatever you all it broke

2 years ago

Transmission stuck in gear 1993 Ford Ranger 3.0 XLT manual 5-speed transmission

2 years ago

Clunks from 1rst to 2 nd

tom Johnson
2 years ago

I just bought a 2004 Ranger, 4×4,4.0, with 193,000, miles engine runs great, no power inn any gear unless in 4×4 low, reverse is great, getting code on shift soleonoid 1,2,3.I have changed trans oil & filter, I think I needa new PCM????? HELP

Thomas Mazzone
3 years ago

1995 ford ranger 3.0 automatic 2wd reg cab. Shits hard from 1st to second gear at low speeds. Bend to the transmission shop 7 times! Still can’t figure it out. Currently not throwing a code.

3 years ago

2005 ford ranger fx4 5r55e. 145000 miles. O/d light flashes, then I lose high gears. I can downshift to second or let off gas a bit and higher gears come back. Also lose reverse, however when I turn off and back on symptoms go away

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben
2 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Ben what did u figure out

Jim Moore
3 years ago

All speeds work and shifts fine,,, except REVERSE. This occurred over a period of time, a year or so… It started to be slow actuating into reverse until it completely failed. Didn’t slip or make any noise… Gettin ready to have a professional look at it….2001 Ford Ranger XLT 4×4 157+++ miles 4.0 engine. TIA.

3 years ago

But noticed tranny taking a bit of time before shifting into 5 mins down the road…rpm revs high then drops down !!then runs fine…I know the tranny fluid has not been replaced for many years.. not sure if I want to change it??? with all the night mare stories I read!!!!!

3 years ago

I am driving a 2005 ranger fx4 level 2 with 360,000 kms up here in Saskatchewan, canada.muffler went on it.replaced rear drive shaft u joints . alternator,fuel filter,plugs,shocks,ball rotor.. newer rims&’s currently -40°winchill with steady -28°has been a month now of this weather..and its handled 16 brutal winters..heats up great!!runs awsome still smooth and the 4.0 V6 runs like new ..

Evaristo Olivarez
3 years ago

It’s sleeps on 3rd gear and sometimes the overdrive light turns on..

Adrian l ckarke
3 years ago

Vehicle will not go in reverse sometimes. Otherwise drives fine.

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