Early models of the Chrysler Sebring were equipped with the A604 (41TE) transmission – the late model 2008+ Chrysler Sebring was equipped with the 6-speed 62TE transmission. But they aren’t without their problems though, so let’s look at some of the most common Chrysler Sebring transmission problems, look at cost estimates and figure out what you can do about them.
What Transmission Do I Have?

Chrysler Sebring Transmission Models
1996+ Chrysler Sebring: A604 (41TE) Transmission
2008-Up Chrysler Sebring: 62TE Transmission
Chrysler Sebring Transmission Replacement Cost Estimate
Pricing varies by model. To be 100% sure on pricing, have your VIN# handy and use our Get An Estimate feature to look up your transmission by VIN#.
Replacement Chrysler Sebring Transmission Prices:
What are the DTC codes related to Chrysler Sebring transmission problems?
Chrysler Sebring Transmission Recalls
None Found
Chrysler Sebring Technical Service Bulletins (TSB)
None Found
Common Chrysler Sebring Transmission Problems
Delayed forward and/or reverse engagement with a double ‘bump’ sensation – 41TE transmission
Problem – Drivers may notice a significant delay when they shift into Drive or Reverse. They may also experience a series of ‘bumps’ or ‘bucks’ when the selected gear does engage.
Solution – The retainer that separates the lockup control valve and the TCC accumulator valve may need to be replaced.
PRNDL lights malfunction – 41TE/42LE transmission (1996>)
Problem – The PRNDL lights in the driver information center (in the gauge cluster) may work properly when the vehicle is shifted into reverse, overdrive, drive and low. However, they may malfunction when the vehicle is shifted into Park or Neutral. There may be no diagnostic trouble codes or apparent transmission problems.
Solution – There may be an issue with the ignition switch, or a short in the related wiring.
Speedometer reading when the vehicle is not moving – 41TE transmission / 41TES transmission
Problem – Drivers may notice that the speedometer can jump to over 20 mph while the vehicle is stopped in gear. There may also be a jerking sensation that feels like a 1-2 shift. Gear changes may also feel unusually rough.
Solution – The most common cause of these 41TE transmission problems is a malfunctioning alternator. However there could also be a wiring problem related to the output shaft speed sensor OSS signal going back to the TCM.
Engine stalls while in Drive or during coast down – 62TE transmission
Problem – Drivers may experience an engine stall when they place the gear selector into Drive. They may also notice that the engine starts to run excessively rough or stalls when they are coasting to a stop.
Solution – These 62TE transmission problems may be caused by mechanical failure with the electronically modulated converter clutch variable force solenoid / EMCC VFS solenoid, which can cause the torque converter clutch to engage when it shouldn’t. To fix the problem, the EMCC solenoid will have to be replaced.
Transmission shifts into neutral on the 1-2 shift – 2007+ 62TE transmission
Problem – Drivers may notice that the vehicle shifts into neutral upon the 1-2 shift. This may cause the vehicle to go into limp mode, where the transmission becomes locked in 3rd gear. In some cases, the vehicle may not move and will require the engine to be shut off and restarted before limp mode can be activated.
Solution – These 62TE transmission problems are often caused by worn sealing ring lands on the low clutch housing. To correct this condition, place the housing and possibly the piston from the direct clutch.
Lack of Response
Leaking Fluid
Low Fluid
Burning Smell
Grinding or Shaking
Whining, Clunking or Humming
Refuses to Go Into Gear
Torque Converter Issues
Valve Body Issues
Transmission Noisy in Neutral
Gears Slipping
No 3rd or 4th Gear
No 1st or 2nd Gear
No Reverse
Dragging Clutch
Trouble Codes / Check Engine Light
Chrysler Sebring transmission slipping
Unfortunately, it’s very common for 2007 and later cars equipped with the 62TE gearbox to experience the infamous Chrysler Sebring transmission slip. There are two separate instances of this problem, as well as two different causes. The transmission can slip into neutral during the 1-2 shift or the 2-3 shift. If it happens on the 1st to 2nd shift, the transmission will go into what’s called limp mode and 3rd will be the only available forward gear. If the slip happens during the 2nd to 3rd shift, the transmission won’t be able to go into limp mode and thus will not engage any forward gears until the ignition is cycled off and on again.
What is causing this Chrysler Sebring transmission slip?
It’s not all that unusual for a Chrysler Sebring transmission to slip out of gear. The reason for the 1-2 slip is worn or damaged sealing ring lands (i.e. the bit of metal that the seals sit on) on the low clutch housing. This will cause a pressure loss to the direct clutch, which is why the transmission won’t be able to change gears. To fix the problem, the entire low clutch housing will need to be replaced if they find any wear or damage where the sealing rings go. If you decide to upgrade to a reman Chrysler Sebring transmission from Street Smart Transmission, you’re going to be getting a much more reliable transmission with a pristine low clutch housing.
If your Chrysler Sebring transmission is slipping during the 2-3 shift, then you probably had your 62TE transmission rebuilt recently. If you have, then the mechanic likely put the 2-4 clutch feed pipe in backwards, which will cause a huge pressure leak in that clutch. Obviously to fix it, your transmission will have to be taken apart so this very important part can be reinstalled correctly.
How much is it going to cost to fix my Chrysler Sebring transmission?
Unfortunately, the problem described here will require the removal and disassembly/partial disassembly of your transmission. Given the labor time involved to remove the transmission from the vehicle (this is not a simple task), most repair shops will recommend that you go ahead and rebuild the entire transmission while it’s out. Since they already have to tear it down to replace the Chrysler Sebring, it sort of makes sense to spend the extra money to do that. After all, you should get a lot more mileage out of your transmission once it’s rebuilt. And since they’ve already got the transmission apart, might as well, right?
Can I drive with a transmission problem?
If your Chrysler Sebring can still make it up and down the road, you might say “It’s fine, I’ll just drive it until I can get it fixed”. But that is not always a good idea, depending on the symptoms. You see, there are a lot of (very expensive) moving parts inside of a transmission, and if something isn’t right, continuing to drive with a transmission problem could damage something else.
How often does a Chrysler Sebring transmission need to be replaced?
The overall lifespan of a Chrysler Sebring transmission largely depends on how well it was maintained. Factory design flaws also factor into this equation, along with how/how hard you drive. But on average, we’ve seen the Chrysler Sebring transmission last for between 130,000-180,000 miles. A high quality replacement transmission however, can last considerably longer if all of the factory design flaws have been addressed and the vehicle has been maintained.
How are Chrysler Sebring transmission issues diagnosed?
It is fairly easy to guesstimate what the root cause of your Chrysler Sebring transmission problems might be, but you won’t truly know unless you have the right tools and experience. A good mechanic or transmission repair center will be able to connect your truck to a computer and find out which diagnostic trouble codes (DTC’s) have been stored. Once they know what to look for, they can perform a visual inspection to verify the problem.
How is a Chrysler Sebring transmission replaced?
In order to replace your Chrysler Sebring transmission, the truck has to be lifted from the ground in order to gain access to all of the parts that will need to be unbolted. Then the transmission can be lowered to the ground (typically with a transmission jack), so the new transmission can be installed.
Recommendations for Chrysler Sebring transmission issues?
To save time and get back on the road faster, have your 17-digit VIN# handy and you can get an online quote for a reman Chrysler Sebring transmission here, then find a local shop using our Find a Shop guide to install it for you.
How to Solve Chrysler Sebring Transmission Problems
Solution A: Buy a Used Chrysler Sebring Transmission
The quickest way to fix your transmission problems is to simply buy a used transmission or used transmission. These can be found at most junk yards, and they often come with a 30-90 day warranty. However, there’s no way to determine the actual condition of the internal components, so you could be spending a bunch of money to have the exact same problems. Plus, that warranty only covers the transmission if it’s defective, not the labor costs that you’ll have to pay.
Solution B: Buy a Rebuilt Chrysler Sebring Transmission
Another option would be a rebuilt transmission or rebuilt transmission. A local repair shop will remove your transmission, then install a bunch of new parts during the rebuild. The problem here is, the skills and experience of each transmission rebuilder will vary widely from shop to shop, so you could have problems from something that wasn’t adjusted properly. And the 1-2 year warranty might only cover you at certain transmission repair shops, in a specific geographical area.
Things to consider with a transmission rebuild
You’re the test driver – Most transmission repair shops and mechanics will only put a few miles on your vehicle to make sure the transmission works. But it’s not uncommon to experience transmission problems during the break-in period.
Everything might not be fixed – Most mechanics and transmission repair centers don’t have the equipment necessary to perform a thorough inspection on hard parts like gear sets, clutch drums and valve bodies. This means that your rebuilt transmission could actually have small cracks in key parts that aren’t visible to the naked eye. As time and mileage progress, these cracks can grow and create an even larger problem. Similarly, a slight warp in the valve body can seriously impact shifting performance over time.
Warranty – Although most mechanic shops and transmission repair shops will warranty their work. That coverage is usually only good at the shop or franchise that did the work. If you travel out of town and suddenly experience transmission problems, you’ll be on the hook for any transmission repairs unless you pay to have your vehicle towed back to the shop that did the work.
Quality – Nearly every time you get a transmission rebuild, all of the work is performed by a single technician. This may or may not be a good thing, depending on your point of view. But the end result is dependent on that technician’s level of experience working with your specific type of transmission. In addition, there is usually no standardized quality control checks at a mechanic shop. So an improperly torqued bolt or gasket that isn’t fully seated, might be overlooked and cause you major problems in the future.
Solution C: Buy a Remanufactured Chrysler Sebring Transmission
Many owners depend on their vehicle to commute and get things done. Their gasoline engines are designed to go 100’s of thousands of miles, so it makes sense to invest in a remanufactured transmission.
Why a remanufactured transmission might be a good option
If you plan to keep your vehicle for as long as possible, then getting a transmission rebuild is certainly a viable option. However, a remanufactured transmission is a much better alternative. You’re getting as close to a brand-new transmission as it is possible. Companies like Street Smart Transmission also modify the transmission to correct all of the factory design flaws, allowing you to get a much longer service life from the transmission. You also get a 3-year/unlimited mile nationwide warranty, which allows you to get necessary repairs performed at any licensed repair shop of the country. So in terms of value for the money, a reman transmission might be the better way to go.
Remanufactured transmission companies like Street Smart Transmission put each of their reman transmissions through a rigorous build process that ensures a quality product every time. It starts with nearly 100 trained technicians that specialize in different aspects of the build process.
This remanufacturing process begins with the inspection team that test all of the critical components from the donor transmission to ensure that they meet the original equipment (OE) tolerances and specifications. The case, pumps, gears, shafts, valve body and torque converter are checked for hairline cracks, metal tensile strength, warping and other parameters. If any component fails to meet the required specifications, it’s discarded and replaced.
All the parts are then cleaned and sent to the appropriate stations on the assembly line for reassembly. Throughout the process, quality control managers inspect the build to ensure that it meets the desired specification. Any necessary modifications or upgrades that are needed to correct factory design flaws are also performed or added. The valve body is rebuilt and tested on a special dyno machine to ensure that it performs according to the specifications. All of the solenoids are also tested prior to installation.
Once the build is complete and passes its final quality control inspection, the newly remanufactured transmission is sent to the dyno room, where it’s tested on a special dyno machine using a proprietary software program called C.A.R.S. (Computer Aided Real-world Simulation). This cycles the transmission through a number of real-world driving situations, to ensure that it performs according to the factory specs. It also helps to break in all of the friction components, that way it’s completely tuned and ready to go once it’s installed.
Warranty – One of the benefits of buying a remanufactured transmission vs. a rebuilt transmission is the warranty. Street Smart Transmission for example, covers all of their reman transmissions with a 3 Year/Unlimited Mileage Nationwide Warranty (there is a mileage restriction for commercial vehicles). This covers parts and labor for transmission repairs performed by any licensed repair shop in the country. It’s also completely transferable if you ever decide to sell the vehicle. Compared to a mechanics warranty on a transmission rebuild, a remanufactured transmission warranty offers superior financial protection.
Is a remanufactured transmission worth it?
If you plan to keep your vehicle for as long as possible, then getting a transmission rebuild is certainly a viable option. However, a remanufactured transmission is a much better alternative. You’re getting as close to a brand-new transmission as it is possible. Companies like Street Smart Transmission also modify the transmission to correct all of the factory design flaws, allowing you to get a much longer service life from the transmission. So in terms of value for the money, a reman transmission might be the better way to go.
What Transmission Do I Have?

What Problem Does Your Chrysler Sebring Have?
Let us know the year, mileage and problem you’re having as well as any trouble (OBD) codes you’ve found. If you’ve been given a quote or paid for a repair, we’d like to hear about that too!
I have a 98 Chrysler Sebring LXI 2.5L n my r.p.m will go to 3 -4 when I’m driving on the highway at 75 m.p.h. why is that and how do I fix it. Thanks…..
2010 sebring 2.4 won’t shift to overdrive gears. No codes or lights on dash. First and second shifts smooth. Replaced transmission, and pcm no changes. Any advice?
PRNDL lights malfunction–deck is a light below them in the same blue lights, small case letters–what is it, is it a problem?
Stays stuck in high gear
Leaking line
Ever,y thing is good with the transmission except it,s leaking trans oil front pump seal is what I was told
2009 sebring auto won’t shift into overdrive, I already replaced the input speed sensor