
The Transmission Repair Cost Guide was created to help car owner’s traverse the complex, and sometimes completely confusing world of transmission maintenance and repair. We are the #1 online resource for determining how much a transmission replacement, repair or rebuild will cost you.

While we can’t diagnose exactly what is wrong with your car or its transmission, our aim is to equip you with the knowledge to fix small problems yourself, the advice to help you find a trustworthy repair shop and the connection to people who have dealt with a situation similar to yours in the past.

What makes us unique?
There are many resources online about transmissions, but many are not user-friendly. They are either poorly formatted, incomplete, too technical or a combination of the three.

Our mission is to only provide unbiased, well-formatted and comprehensive resources


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Kevin Edds
1 year ago

It goes into gears but absolutely refuses to switch gears

Mike Lachance
2 years ago

Have a 2007 Nissan Versa CRV transmission. Has started to slip / jerk a little after car warms up. Has @ 126 K mileage

Charles P. Grabill III
2 years ago

Why is there no Ford Bronco in your vehicle types? Or Ford Bronco II??

2 years ago

Reverse is going out

Randy Huggins
2 years ago

I left my house and I was going down the road quick but not real quick and then all of a sudden it felt like when a standard jump out of gear or pops out of gear sound and felt like that an I have no forward gears.

3 years ago

Stuck in 1st gear

3 years ago

It won’t shift out of low. When I ran codes it first said low fluid. Put fluid in last year now it shows up as shift sincere stuck.
To replace this sincere do I have to drop transmission?

3 years ago

Check engine light is on,when you are driving,it’s like someone tapping the brakes every 2-3 sec

3 years ago

Leak under transmission on under my 98 chevy malibou

3 years ago

Leaking underneath the pan for transmission.I have 98 Chevy malibou an my muffler is blowing out bad bad smoke

4 years ago

Why won’t my 2004 Malibu classic go in reverse

4 years ago

Need a pice on a part this is the part num p0778 it’s a pressure control

5 years ago

When I put transmission rrversei it pops and grinds also want go into overd4u

5 years ago

Were is the input output senors on transmission

Lawrence Dillard
6 years ago

I’m asking what’s wrong with it

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