Intermittent not shifting from 1st gear

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  • #6660

    Hi Marc,
    I have a nissan sentra model 2002 automatic transmission. the transmission sometimes won’t shift out from 1st gear, if i will switch off the engine and start again the transmission works again like nothing happen. every time it won’t shift i just switch off the engine. I already replaced the ATF, checked the wirings and all is okay. the filter is already been cleaned. what seems to be the problem and what should i so to fix it.Thanks!

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    There are lots of things to check but your first move should be to a shop with a good OBD-II diagnostic scanner with the right software for your Nissan. Have the shop run a complete scan of the transmission and get a printout of the results. I am willing to bet you a dozen donuts — any variety — that you will likely find the problem is in the control module.

    Since the problem occurs after you shutdown and restart, it sounds like the control module or TCM does a hard reset to the transmissions electronics so that it works correctly for a time. As the time goes on, though, your TCM begins its failure routine all over again and you end up with the situation you are in.

    I’d try having the shop replace the TCM, for starters. It is a lot less expensive than replacing the transmission with a rebuilt (maybe $2,500 less expensive as a new TCM will cost about $700 and change to replace). Once it’s replaced, I think you will find your Nissan’s problems clear up. If not, it may be that one or two of the sensor arrays relating to the tranny have also been knocked out by the bad TCM and have to be replaced. Again, it’s a relatively straightforward fix, although it will cost about $400 per sensor. Still it is lots less expensive than a rebuilt.

    The TCM, by the way, is also known as the computer that controls your car’s transmission.

    Please let me know what happens.

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