GM 700R4 Transmission: Specs


700R4 Vehicle Compatibility – Makes & Models

CAPRICE3.8L / 5.0L1982-1992
CAMARO2.8L / 5.0L1983-1992
S10 PICKUP2.5L / 2.8L1989-1991
S10 BLAZER2.5L / 2.8L1989-1992
GMCJIMMY2.0L / 2.8L1982-1993
SAFARI VAN4.3L1983-1990
S10 / S15 SONOMA2.5L / 2.8L1983-1991
S15 PICKUP2.5L / 2.8L1983-1991

Years Covered

  • 1982
  • 1983
  • 1984
  • 1985
  • 1996
  • 1997
  • 1988
  • 1989
  • 1990
  • 1991
  • 1992
  • 1993

About the 700r4 & Common Problems


The GM 700r4 is a 4-speed automatic transmission with overdrive. It was introduced in the early 1980’s, as way to make their V8 powered cars and trucks more efficient. In a world filled with rising gas prices, the General needed to keep its product line relevant.

Adding a 4th overdrive gear allowed them to make their sports cars and pickup trucks more affordable to drive. The 700r4 transmission replaced the 3-speed TH350, and became a popular upgrade for older rear wheel drive GM vehicles.

Broken Input Shaft

input shaft close upEarly versions of the 700r4 featured a 27 spline input shaft, which wasn’t really capable of handling much torque. 30 spline shafts were standard issue after 1987, and greatly improved the reliability of this otherwise sturdy gearbox.


Another common issue with the 700r4 is overheating. Given the high power output, and extreme use that most vehicles equipped with this transmission see, overheating is fairly easy. As the ATF temperature rises, significant internal damage can start to occur. To avoid this problem, simply install an auxiliary transmission cooler.

3-4 Clutch Pack Failure

Slipping between 3rd-4th gears can signal a problem with the clutch pack that engages those gears. Overheating can weaken the metal used to make the 700r4 3-4 clutch pack discs. If this happens, the ends can shear off, and you’ll eventually have a serious problem.

Warped Valve Body

Due to overheating, the valve body can become warped, which can significantly hamper gear changes. If this happens, you’ll be on the hook for an expensive repair.

Stuck Governor

700r4 GovenorDirty transmission fluid can cause the gears or springs in the governor to become inoperable, which will lead to delayed shifts. So have your 700r4 serviced on a regular basis.

700r4 vs 4L60 – Are they the same?

In 1990, GM changed the name of the 700r4 transmission to 4L60, which stood for 4-speed Longitudinal 6,000 lb gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). For 1993, the hydraulic shifting system was replaced with electronic controls (4L60E). A Vehicle Speed Sensor told the engine computer how fast the vehicle was going, that way it could decide when to change gears. Shifts were then executed by sending a signal to the appropriate shift solenoid.


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5 years ago

So wondering why my 91i r-roc 700r4 won’t work in my 88astro and it’s slipping in 3 and 4 if so what do I replace

Pierre Layne
5 years ago

I have a 1970 Camaro with a TCI 700R transmission with limp mode protection and the last time the shop serviced my transmission my car was above us on the lift , he showed me my valve body and was digging around the transmission kinda frantically looking for the limp mode sensor , he then checks the pan that he drained the fluid in and it wasn’t there so he starts saying I know it was in there because I serviced the transmission the last time I know I put it back and he didn’t find it and the transmission had been acting up is why I brought it back , I was videotaping the underneath the car to post it on FB I have him on tape looking up into the transmission because the car was up on the hoist above our head and I told him you either forgot to put it in because nobody else has touched this transmission and he said I know I believe you , now there is transmission damage and I am telling him that I do not want to be responsible because I paid almost $3000 for this TCI 700R thetransmission and I feel they’re liable Sents his employee did not put that sensor back in the time before they serviced it – I think he forgot to what can I do or say to get them to fix any problems? ( remember) I luck-of-lee was videotaping all his remarks out of his mouth and him looking for the limp mode sensor
suggestions please

Joshua Waxman
5 years ago

I have a 84 s10 pick up and I was wondering/hoping my 92 Camaro’s transmission would fit the s10 is a 2 wheel drive 2.8 v6 automatic and the Camaro is a 305 v8 automatic

Lloyd Fisher
5 years ago

I have a 94 Chevy 700r4 transmission slips in n out of overdrive wants it warms up

5 years ago

I just installed a high speed torque converter (2000-2500rpm) in my 700r4. Problem is it engages at about 1000 rpm,The vendor I bought it from says its my transmission that’s the problem.Whats going on? Could my transmission be causing this???

Brit Hail
2 years ago
Reply to  lou

I am going thru the same problem, my new converter knocks too. Someone told me to put a switch inside so I can control when I want it to lock up. If you solved yours, maybe u can help me. Please sir.

5 years ago

I got a 1988 z71 4wd what years will the 7004 interchange

3 years ago
Reply to  Chad

The 700R4 changed to the 4L60 in 1990, then in 1993 it changed again to the 4L60E with the hydraulic shifting system.
So if your trans is a 1988, it will be the 700R4.

5 years ago

They both are auto

5 years ago

Will the transmission out of my 94 Silverado 1500_2 wd fit my 91 1500 both have the 5.7

5 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Yes it will

5 years ago

I have a 1999 s10 with a mild built 406 with vortec heads would a 700r4 or th350 be best for my application ? Thanks for any info

5 years ago

The 350would be best I believe

Clayton barton
6 years ago

I need to know if the input or 3/4 clutch drum from a 88 700r4 work in an 85 model 700r4. What are the differences and what would happen if it were used in the wrong transmission

6 years ago

Need torque specs for a GMC 1982 6.2 with a 700r4 transmission flywheel to torque converter and flywheel to crank

6 years ago

I have a 700R4 in my 84 Camaro Sport Coupe 2.8L and I’m considering doing an engine swap to a 350. My question is, will the 700R4 I have in the 2.8L bolt onto the 350? Will I have to get a V8 bell housing to do this? Could the 700R4 I pulled out of the 2.8L handle the power of a built 350 with roughly 300HP?

6 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

No, the bell housings are different on the 2.8, so it won’t even bolt up. You should look for an 87-92 year unit out of a Chevy or GMC. These transmissions can be built to handle over 700hp if done right.

Bill Haselhorst
6 years ago

I am looking for a 700 r4 transmmissiom to put in 1964 Pontiac Catalina with a 389 engine with tri power. Please send me a quote on this project. Thanks

7 years ago

I need the information on a 1988 Chevrolet c 1500 700r transmission

7 years ago

Hi, I have a 1965 Chevy C-10 Pickup with a 383 stroker motor. HP 400 to 450. Currently using a Th400 with a 2500 stall. I’m looking to install a 700R4. Could you quote me a price? I live in Carlisle,Pa. Thanks, Dave

xavier alfaro
7 years ago

need transmission for a 1994 chevy blazer 5.7L automATIC 4WD.

mark berg
7 years ago

Want to up grade to 700r4 in 1974 chevelle can I get a quote

Charles Cousins
7 years ago

I have a 1957 Chevy with a Small Block 400 engine. It presently has a 350 trans & I want to up date it with an overdrive transmission. I am looking for a early 700 r4 or a 4L60 transmission.
What transmission would you suggest along with what stall speed torque converter as this is a driver & what would be your cost?

Bob norman
8 years ago

I am looking to buy a 1975 Corvette with a 350 done up to 410 horsepower and it has a 700R4 Transmission in it I have heard some nasty things about that transmission is it worth buying or should I stay away from that transmission completely

Dave Grawe
8 years ago

I have a 34 Ford 3 window coupe and a fiberglass body. I will be running a built Chevy 327 with Ford 9″ rear end and 350 gears. I am presently looking for a 700r4 tranny with a stall of approximately 2000-2200 rpm. Could you please send me a quote. Thank you for your time and help.

Tad Spencer
8 years ago

I need a price for a tr700r4
it is a 1992 chevy c/k 2500

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