After rocking back and forth on a snow drift got towed out. When I started ’05 Envoy I had no reverse at all but in would move in OD until it warmed up the it would slip to point of not moving. 200k milage.l
Jared Bates
3 years ago
Has every forward gear never slipped or made a sound. Got stuck and was trying to get out and all at once no reverse gear. Acts Just like it’s in nuetral but it’s not. My shift linkage and selector are working as should. Cant figure problem
3 years ago
It will only go in gear when it first cranks up
3 years ago
My truck will not move untill it warms up then its ok
It struggles to reverse
After rocking back and forth on a snow drift got towed out. When I started ’05 Envoy I had no reverse at all but in would move in OD until it warmed up the it would slip to point of not moving. 200k milage.l
Has every forward gear never slipped or made a sound. Got stuck and was trying to get out and all at once no reverse gear. Acts Just like it’s in nuetral but it’s not. My shift linkage and selector are working as should. Cant figure problem
It will only go in gear when it first cranks up
My truck will not move untill it warms up then its ok