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Scott Wandrie
3 years ago

Will shift into drive but will not move will move in reverse and will go into neutral but drive it will not engage

jessica campas
3 years ago
Reply to  Scott Wandrie

did you fix you problem? im having the same issue

3 years ago

It want go out of 1 gear

Shawn Cagle
3 years ago

Started having issues shifting 1-2 and 3-4 just wouldn’t shift. Engine light is on for MAF. Replaced shift solenoids and now it’s shifts worse and quote a few times won’t shift into reverse.

3 years ago

no overdrive and stays in 3 gear. rpm drops like it want to go into overdrive. No firs t or second gear while in drive mode.

3 years ago

Will not shift into second gear so it goes to third the recently has been slipping on highway doing around 110kph goes from 2100 to about 3200 then back down and repeats

3 years ago

When engine heats up stops shifting

Dennis Salway
3 years ago

Wont back up

3 years ago

Come to a stop and goes to neutral

William Goodfield
3 years ago

Won’t shift until I accelerate high rpms.

3 years ago

Was just rebuilt now it’s not shifting at the correct times you can get it to shift tho.
Was told the solenoids need to be programmed

3 years ago

Wont shift from 2nd to 3rd gear rpms go to 4500

3 years ago

01 yukon denali lq4 – 4l65e – won’t shift into anything above 2nd. It will go in 1st and 2nd just fine but it will not find 3rd. I was driving and slowed down for a curve and when I got back on the gas (not aggressive just normal driving) it was currently in 3rd and when I pressed the gas a little it wasn’t moving like it should (it acted like a bike when you’re holding in the clutch about to let go of it while you’re still on the gas but still holding the clutch a 1/4 of the way in) then 3rd came on slowly. After that happened I slowed down to 20mph and then went back up to 45-55 and it did it again so I turned around. After I turned around i had completely lost 3rd gear and never found it again. 1st & 2nd work fine but 3rd & up is gone.

3 years ago

Hi, I have a 2001 GMC Yukon Denali AWD LQ4 with (i believe) a 4l65e, and recently I was driving and I let off the gas to take a curve and when I got back on the gas the rpm’s went higher than normal shifting into 3rd (almost like you’re driving a manual and forget to let the clutch out all the way) then it finally would like let it shift into 3rd like any other gear. When it happened I turned around and went home and after I shifted from reverse to drive I took off Iike normal, 1st gear – perfect, 2nd gear – perfect, 3rd gear – was no longer an option…. I cannot even manually put it in 3rd gear so any help would be appreciated.. thank you.

dave kinghorn
3 years ago

Hesitation shifting into 4th

4 years ago

no reverse heard a loud whine then a bang, then no reverse,

4 years ago

Stuck in 2nd gear

3 years ago
Reply to  Twister

Unplug battery, turn lights to on position for a minute, then put the cable back on. That worked for me when I couldn’t go in any other gear besides 2nd.

4 years ago

No reverse and has whine nose will drive in drive seems to shift

4 years ago

Will not shift into second and feels like the front axles are free spinning and truck won’t move

4 years ago

My transmission won’t drive r reverse

5 years ago

When I take off form a stop my suv won’t shift tell I am almost at Max rpm mind you it’s automatic what would be a good starting point on figuring out what it is ??? It worked fine yesterday

5 years ago

Not going into 3rd gear

4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

How did u fix

3 years ago
Reply to  Twister

I’m changing to l480e

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